RV LIFE Podcast

Quartzsite RV Show Expert Tips for Navigating the Like a Pro

Dan & Patti Hunt Season 4 Episode 115

In this episode, host Patti Hunt sits down with Quartzsite RV Show expert Jenell Jones, who has attended the event three times, to share insider tips on making the most of this iconic gathering. From navigating RV camping and connecting with the community to attending seminars and exploring the famous Big Tent event, you'll learn everything you need to know to have an unforgettable experience at Quartzsite.

Connect with Jenell Jones at WINS RV Club  
$10 discount w/ Code: RVLIFEPodcast  
Meet up at Quartzsite The GPS coordinates for Quartzsite:  N33.75700, W114.17976

Mentioned on the show:
Fireside RV Rental
Link for discount FullTime Families
Discount in link Motorhome Tires
Music City Motorhome Expo
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Speaker 1:

You aren't prepared for the RV show season until you listen to this episode. I'm Patti Hunt and you're listening to the RV Life Podcast. If you've ever thought about attending a large show like CorpSight RV Show or other large shows, then you don't want to miss today's guest. She's going to provide information you need to make the most of an RV show. The RV Life Podcast was created to entertain, educate and explore the RV lifestyle, and it is my mission to inspire you to live life to the fullest. This podcast is for you if you're full-time, part-time sometime or thinking about the RV lifestyle this week. What you Need to Know is brought to you by Open Road Resorts. They have locations in Montana, idaho, nebraska, new Mexico and two locations in Texas. So if you are looking for a warm place to go now that it is winter and it is cold in most of the country, there are two locations near Dallas, texas. One is called Good Shepherd RV Park that is just north of Dallas, and the other is Dallas Northeast RV Park, which is northeast of Dallas. Two amazing locations, and they are offering you my podcast listeners 25% off stays of two nights or more during the 2025 season. You're going to use code RVLIFE25. That is all capitals and it is case sensitive. This offer is only valid for another couple more weeks. It expires on 1-31-25, and there are certain blockout dates that apply Today.

Speaker 1:

What you need to know the Quartzsite RV show started over 40 years ago and, according to the Arizona Highway Department, this year 750,000 to 1 million people, mostly in RVs, will attend. With that many people, you really want to tune in for the tips. My guest is going to help you with this. What you Need to Know is brought to you by Open Road Resorts and you can find out all about Open Road Resorts by going to openroadresortscom. On to my guest At 60 years old, today's guest, janelle Jones, sold everything she owned, bought a 36-foot RV and drove off by herself with no plan.

Speaker 1:

Since then, she has traveled to Alaska, looped the US three times and visited 41 national parks. Three years later, she bought the Wandering Individuals Network, an RV club dedicated to solo RV traveler creating exclusive itineraries. Lead trips traveler creating exclusive itineraries, lead trips and teaches others practical tips on how to thrive at RV Life. And she is so experienced at Quartzsite because she has been there three times. This year she is headed there and this will be her fourth time. Welcome Janelle Jones to the RV Life podcast.

Speaker 2:

Patty, thank you so much for having me. Let me start off first by saying I love the sponsor. Funny enough, when I leave Courtside I'm headed to Dallas and I don't know where I'm staying. So I wrote down everything you just said and I'm going to go to the Northeast Dallas Open Road Resort. So that's the first thing I want to tell you, right? But thank you for the wonderful instruction or not instruction, but introduction, thank you. So my club, the Wandering Individuals Network they've been going there 23 years. This is just my fourth year. I've been three, this will be my fourth year and my club is going there. So I'd love to take, say, all these tips are mine, they're not they're, they're a combination of everybody telling me you know some tips and tricks going, not only staying at court site but going to the show as well, because it's kind of two different animals absolutely, and that's what we're going to jump into.

Speaker 1:

I just want want to, you know, dial back a little bit. First of all, remember to get your 25% discount when you go to Dallas Northeast. I've stayed there. It is unbelievable. The spot that I was in was a pull through spot, overlooking a huge pond where I could sit every night and look out the front of my window at the sunset, and there are a lot of amazing spots where you could do that. So just another tip there. On the fact that you know, wandering Individuals Network has been going for so many years, and that's the way we become experts, right? We listen to other people, we gather information. This is the fourth time you'll be going, so I'm sure there are new things that you've learned, so I'm so grateful to have you. On Giving Tips Now, at age 60, you decided sell it all, buy an RV and go solo without a plan. I don't necessarily recommend that to everybody, but tell me, listeners, what led up to that, what led you to make?

Speaker 2:

that decision, patty, and that is exactly it. I had zero plan. I bought my RV in Dallas, fort Worth, dallas, and you know how the salesman always tells you to take your new RV, go sit in a parking lot, sit at your house, go to close parks so you can work out the bugs Not me. I literally bought that RV, took a left, drove straight to Southern California, had no idea what I was doing and the reason I drove to Southern California had never been wanted to go. So I drove to Southern California. I had no hot water. It took me about seven or eight days I had no hot water because I couldn't remember what they said. So I was like boiling water to pour over me with the water of the shower. It was, you know.

Speaker 1:

I've learned a lot since then.

Speaker 2:

But yeah, I really I had no plan. I just knew I'd retired early and I just knew that I'd already sat around a few years and I wasn't going to end out my life sitting around and gardening and going to lunch and piddling around. That was not going to be my life. And since then I need to update my bio I sent you. I've done 44 of the national parks and I'm on three and a half times that I've looped the US and I've added Mexico to it. I just went to Mexico.

Speaker 1:

Didn't go to jail, didn't get arrested or didn't get trafficked, so I'm all good, that's awesome, and didn't get trafficked. So I'm all good, that's awesome, and there's so much here. You know, and again, I just want to let people know that this is actually your second time on the show, your first episode that people could go back and listen to, and I have it here. I'm looking for it to give the the name of it um, do do, do it's here. Um. So it was called Solo Camping and Connecting with Like-Minded Travelers.

Speaker 1:

That was on May 24th 2023, where you talked about, obviously, camping solo, but also how you bring people together. We're going to talk about that, but let's dive into Quartzsite. I went there one time two years ago and we went and met friends there and I will tell you I'm so grateful we had friends and that's why I wanted to do this episode with you, because I would have been absolutely lost and overwhelmed if I didn't have the friends kind of guiding us. There's so much to do see, and we're going to talk today about how to navigate it all, especially with close to a million people that are going to be there, and I don't want people to get discouraged. There is plenty of room for everyone. So let's start by telling people when is Quartzsite, and where exactly is it? Let's give the basics, the basic information for people. Okay.

Speaker 2:

It's January 18 to 26, and it is literally courtside Arizona which is, I think. They have two exits. Exit 17 off I-10 is what you want to go to, although I have a tip later to pass that one and go to the next exit. But it's the whole, the full. It's about two weeks long. You know normal daylight hours, but it is like you said. Don't get discouraged by the million people, because there's thousands and thousands of acres to stay at and you'd stay in the beautiful desert if you haven't ever been. Quartzsite is a must-do for any RVer. I don't care if you're a sun timer or a full timer. You must go to Quartzsite at least once in your life. And I say a couple of times because, as you said, it's so overwhelming that it's hard to take it all in and there's some really great things there that will make your life easier in an RV.

Speaker 1:

Right, okay, so let's talk a little now. Again, I want to get the details out of the way for people. I believe when I went there's huge areas that you're going to talk more on huge areas to go camp, I had, I think, four other RVs, so five of us were in a circle. We kind of created the circle, we cooked together. It was amazing and I want to talk more about that. I, five of us, were in a circle, we kind of created the circle, we cooked together. It was amazing and I want to talk more about that. I don't think there was a fee, so maybe I should ask was there a fee? Is there a fee to camp in those areas?

Speaker 2:

Depends on where you go. The answer is mostly no. Now you do need to get a permit because it's BLM Bureau of Land Management land. So they want you to have a permit and it's free if you stay in certain places. Like my club. We go to Plamosa Road. It's free there, but you do need a permit and we want to get that permit. They rarely check but we want to get the permit because it helps the Bureau of Land Management count their numbers and supports them. Permit because it helps the the bureau of land management count their numbers and supports them.

Speaker 2:

Now I believe if when you go to laposa now remember i-10, exit 17 you can go right or left. So when you get off and if you go down to laposa road, that is long-term visitor land, blm land, steel and I believe that is 40 for the 14-day permit. But you also have services there. You can dump and get water there and there's trash, Whereas where we stay on Plamosa Road, my Wandering Individuals Network RV Club there are no services. And over on Plamosa Road tends to be where the groups I mean there's no rule on that, but that's where the groups tend to gather, Like we've been going the same place. The 20 years. Escapees is down the road, a half a mile mile from us, and everybody knows that's where escapees go and that's where Wins go. The Tiffin group is there. The nudist group is somewhere too. I don't know where they are, but you can do nude rving at portside if you want to I'm assuming they're off in some corner somewhere like I don't know private area.

Speaker 1:

so when I was there, I I was in that same area as escapees. You guys would have been in that area two years ago as well, um, and it was so that I was in that same place. That's interesting. So there are a lot of groups so people don't want to go and by themselves. They could join a group. Solo people could be part of when, which is wandering individuals network will put your information in the show notes because I feel like it is a great place to go and be together.

Speaker 1:

Yes, I really believe that, and so if people need services, obviously they need to consider that. Make sure you dump and you get water before you get out there, as well as any food you need, right, you probably want to make sure, because getting out of I remember coming out of the area where we were parked, wherever you wanted to go was was a little bit of a distance. I mean, there were a couple restaurants and a couple little country type stores so you could get the basics. But you know, like I always want to be prepared, food is always something that's on my mind, and so if I'm going to an area which, I mean, you're in the middle of the desert, so to speak, and so I want to make sure I have my milk for my cappuccino, and you know I'm prepared. Okay, so, lots of choices of places to park and you know where to go. Set up A lot of clubs that you could be part of.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, Plus RV parks. There's about seven or eight RV parks that you can stay at. You know, some of them are on the lower end, some of them are sort of not high end but mid-end, but the problem with those, or the challenge the first year I went, was they were booked solid for months out. So you know, if you do want to stay at an RV park, you know you're going to need to call and talk to them, and I would suggest calling as opposed to going online. Half of them don't have online reservations Because, remember, this is a teeny town. I mean, there's like 3,000 people that live there.

Speaker 1:

Right, it's small, it is very small and this is the biggest thing that happens to them all year. This and the gym and rock show. Yes, right, the Gem and Rock show, yes, right, right, which was when I was there. The Gem and Rock show sort of overlapped the time. Right, I was there and you're saying you know this two week period, the quartzite, and we'll get into the actual RV show part of it. The quartzite RV show is just from January 18 to 26. So people actually want to go to the show. So let's say somebody, are there places to stay if somebody's going to courtside to buy an RV and they don't yet have one? So are there hotels, motels, rentals at your big places?

Speaker 2:

To tell you the truth, patty, I think there's Airbnbs, maybe, but I don't remember seeing a hotel. I haven't looked at that as much, or it doesn't catch my eye because my house is with me, right, right. But I'm sure some enterprising people there have some Airbnbs you can stay at. They're crazy if they don't. Okay, right.

Speaker 1:

So, just to give people an idea, that would be something. They could go to Airbnb or the campgrounds that you talked about. They might have some kind of rental If somebody wanted to go. Now, just to add, somebody wants to go. They don't have the RV because maybe they're going to the show to buy their RV. There are, like I know, fireside RV Rentals. The owner company, super great guy, so you can rent an RV, try it out. That might be a great experience to be able to try out the type of RV that you want. You can, you know, have it on site and that might be a good option. So fireside RV rental is something I would definitely recommend in that case, if people don't have the RV, okay, I forgot about that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, exactly, and you can do forgot about that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, exactly.

Speaker 2:

The RV rental.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, absolutely yeah, that's a great, that's it.

Speaker 2:

Actually, that's a great idea, because then you get to see about the RV and then when you go, look at one, you're already staying in one for the people that don't know. That's actually a good idea, patty, right, right.

Speaker 1:

Well, that's why we do the show and a lot of this comes off the top of our heads, sure For sure. Okay, so why would people want to go? We talk about the community. For me, the biggest thing is the community aspect which happens in the camping areas, whether you're part of groups. We talked about escapees. If somebody wants to go check out escapees, learn more about them. I am a member of escapees. I've done events with them. Great club. It works well for me. I recommend people check them out. But at Quartzsite you could go up to the club and talk to them. They will welcome you in. They will, you know, tell you more about the club and talk to them. They will welcome you in. They will, you know, tell you more about the club. There's no pressure. They're wonderful people. So if there's clubs or groups you're looking at, I recommend people go talk to those. You know the people that are out there. It's a great opportunity With Wynn. Can people just come up and introduce themselves and come say hi to you when they see you guys.

Speaker 2:

Absolutely, and I've been marketing this for six months because, as you've alluded to a couple of times, community is so important. You get to a town like Quartzsite 750,000 people there and yet if you're by yourself sitting in the desert, well, you're still sitting in the desert by yourself, but there's so many opportunities if you'll just take a little step. That's what I always, especially for solos come to the winds. One individual network is a mouthful, so we call it winds. But come to the winds. If you come over there and camp with us, you are welcome. There's no charge, of course. You can come to our meetings, our lectures, our seminars, our hands-on workshops. We got all kinds of stuff going.

Speaker 2:

But the first year I was there, I have a tiffin. So the first year I was there I did exactly what you said. I went over to the tiffin group and just introduced myself. I have a tiffin, what's this all about? To the tiffin group and just introduce myself. I have a tiffin, what's this all about? So it it's certainly doable and I recommend it. I'm an escapee also. I went over to the escapees and did some of their things, met their singles group, their fun, fabulous party. They have all the wins. Go to that. I advertise we're all going down there to go to that party. They have a band. It's good. It's a very community-based fun, if you want it to be. Not everybody wants to be around a lot of people, but it's a very fun community-based activity for those couple of weeks.

Speaker 1:

Right, and I think that, to your point, whatever people are looking for, you want to go in your RV, be private, be by yourself, cook a meal, stay by yourself there's that. There's the people that want to sit out in the sun, read a book, not be bothered there's that. And then when you want groups, company, fun, music, whatever it is, there is all of that as well. Okay, before we go on, I know you're traveling tomorrow from California to Quartzsite, so you're already getting ready to head there.

Speaker 1:

I do want to talk about my sponsor, open Roads Fuel Card, because if you have diesel, this fuel card is a no brainer. It is incredible. The card is absolutely free to sign up for. You get the card, you then have an app on your phone and if you have diesel fuel, you go to the app. You find the truck stop to fill up and I have saved anywhere from sometimes $0.05 or $0.10 a gallon, but I've also saved as much as $1 a gallon on fuel. They say their average is $0.40, $0.50, $0.60. I have saved upwards of $ dollar a gallon on fuel. It is absolutely a must-have if you have diesel. Do you have a diesel unit or are you gas? No?

Speaker 2:

And do they have a gas card? I always look for a gas card. I did Gas Buddy for a while, I don't know it was fine.

Speaker 1:

But you know, I'd love that if I could just go to wherever I wanted to go. You know, look on the app and then, just, you know, we, dan and I, started traveling over three years ago and back and forth across the country. I've always been able to find a station. But for a gas card I'm going to put it out to my listeners anybody have a gas card that they like. That saves money. You know, let us know, just reach out, put a comment in the show notes, in the review section, or reach out on social media RV Life Podcast, instagram, facebook and people can reach out to you. We'll give your information. But that is Open Roads Fuel Card. The link is in the show notes.

Speaker 1:

All right, so people have traveled. You are traveling there. You're going to get there tomorrow. Let's talk. What else do people need to look at? They're going to decide where they're going to stay and part of that is doing research. I'm sure there's groups on Facebook. I'm sure you know people can look at what you're doing. The wins are doing other groups. It could be again. We're saying it could be a little overwhelming, but it is. You will be able to navigate it because if you get there and you're overwhelmed.

Speaker 1:

You just stop an RVer and you ask for help, like where should I go? Where should I park? I'm going to say the first thing to decide is do you want the hookups or are you okay boondocking, and how long are you going to stay? You don't have to stay for the whole week. There are people that go for just a couple of days. Okay, once they're there. Community, and we're going to talk more about that. But there's also the Quartzsite RV show, which is one of the largest RV shows in the country. Let's talk a little bit about that. It's not just for somebody buying an RV, but that is part of the show. So let's talk a little bit about that. It's not just for somebody buying an RV, but that is part of the show. So let's talk a little bit about the show itself.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I would submit. They certainly have RVs there for sale. A good selection. They've got one dealer that comes in. I looked at a bunch of used ones last year too. Really really nice actually. But to me it's the big tent. It's technically called the big tent and then RV, I don't know, but the big tent I want to say it's 75,000 square feet of RV stuff and I mean everything from roof repair to dishes that don't rattle and everything in between, and there's a lot of vendors there that you can get some work done. Another thing I love I'm going to get my windshields chips. I'm up to seven. I'm getting new inside blinds done. So that's what I like about Quartzsite, the Big Tent Show and the seminars.

Speaker 1:

I know I'm going to bludge there Before we go on to the seminars. I want to talk about that, but you're saying they'll come out to the RV to do those repairs.

Speaker 2:

Yes, now I don't know about all of them but the ones I'm doing yeah, I'm doing Redlands RV and truck.

Speaker 2:

They have a seminar and they're going to come out and look at my sway bar because I don't think it's enough. So they'll come out. Same with Centromatic, the tire guy, those things you put in your tire to help the balance They'll come out as well. Big Beard Solar I don't know if they come out as much, but they'll definitely talk to you about your solar. These are just some of the ones I'm looking at. That's what I'm bringing up and this is great.

Speaker 1:

And just for people to know when they go to QuartzsiteRVShowcom, there is a complete list of vendors. So if you have something like you need tires, certainly you can look on this list. I don't readily see one one. I recommend also recommend I don't know if there'll be a court site, but I recommend Motorhome Tires. If you have a motorhome, they do come out to your location. They're all over the country. I will go back to the owner and see if he's willing to give my listeners a discount. I'll put that in the show notes. If he is, he has from time to time offered discounts. Notes. If he is, he has from time to time offer discounts and there's a link in the show notes and you can find an installer. They'll come out. But that's a great thing.

Speaker 1:

There is such a huge list of vendors that will be there Now. Rv Life will also be there and their booth is 319. So they have the RV Life suite of products and, for those who don't know, that includes your RV safe, gps, rv trip planning, campground reviews. They have the most comprehensive source of campground reviews and they will be there. It's called Tigner Adventures. I've never met them, but Dave and Nanette Tigner I hope I'm saying their name right from Tigner Adventures, will be manning the booth there. So if you go by the RV Life booth, let them know you heard about it on the RV Life podcast and they'll be there answering questions, helping people who might need.

Speaker 1:

You know who wants to learn more about the RV Life Pro Suite product. So lots of vendors, lots of things, stuff to look at. Go in with the budget. I know when Dan and I went there, he's the spender of the two of us so I had to keep him on a budget. Like they had this stool that in retrospect, was actually really cool. It was this cool stool. So if you have to get like under the rv or sit low or get into a compartment, it was a neat stool.

Speaker 2:

But yeah, he wanted to buy it all I know you're going to ask me about tips in a little bit specific tips, and my number one tip was forget your budget. Because it's oh yes, the tent will tell you what you need. You don't go in there looking. The tent tells you what you need for your RV.

Speaker 1:

It may or may not be in your budget, right, right, girl, that's where we're different. I'm like, on a budget I don't want, yeah, so we're different in that. So you know, my listeners have to decide how to navigate that, for sure. But you know, so people should definitely go to the website, check out the exhibitors. Like you said, it's so large, I think. So let's talk a little bit about having something of a plan. I'm going to say have something of a plan and be flexible, which is polar opposite. So when you go into the big tent, how do you, you know what are some tips?

Speaker 2:

there. Well, my first tip for going to the shows is go on a rainy or cold day, if you can, the more miserable it is. Go because Because the tent, the show, tends to attract an older audience. And there's everybody, I mean there's everything, but the bulk are older and we don't have to get out when it's cold and rainy. So we don't, but that's when I go. I go, that's my first day and then I go the last day. By the last day, everybody's tired. The vendors are tired. They may give you a discount to get rid of stuff. There's nobody in there. You can park literally front row. It's a great. That's the days I go, because I go that first day to see what I think I have to have and then I try not to buy and then I go that last day. If it's still in my mind, I go that last day and pick it up. I think that's how a lot of women shop. But those are my two tips on days to go.

Speaker 1:

Okay. So you're not willy nilly about walking in and just buying whatever.

Speaker 2:

So you go in, you look around you say oh, I want that, that, that and that you go back, you think you want and need. I mean a lot, and so to me, if I'm still remembering it a few days later, you know. And then, plus, don't forget, there's seminars, there's eight pages.

Speaker 2:

There's eight pages of seminars. I'm going to one, two, three. I'm going to Redlands. I'm going to the SkyMed even though I have SkyMed, I still go every year because that's a great company and they're always updating what they cover. And then I'm going to go to Smartway and get my RV officially and correctly weighed. I'm also doing that. Big Beard solar and lithium that guy makes his own lithium batteries. I read that on the notes when I went to the Big Tent website. And then I'm going to go to seminar on RVing in Europe.

Speaker 1:

I mean that's something crazy. Yeah, I don't know.

Speaker 2:

To me that's crazy to do, but apparently somebody's doing it, so I'm going to learn about it and what's great about that is that you kind of have a plan.

Speaker 1:

Again, you'll be there for two weeks. Show is eight weeks a plan while being flexible, but if you know you absolutely want to get to a seminar, make sure you plan that. One of the things so I used to. I didn't do a seminar in Quartzsite but I did a seminar in three of the other bigger shows Hers, hershey, tampa, seattle RV show and for me when I did the seminar in Hershey it was every day that I did a seminar but it was so packed every day People were upset because they couldn't get in. So those people that planned like I'm coming in in the morning, I'm going to make sure I get in, I get a seat. Planning could be really helpful so you don't get there and again get overwhelmed by it. All Planning's good, but also, as RVers know, we have to be a little flexible. Seminars are great, the workshops they have and they're, like you said, are pages and for people to read through and find out what sounds appealing One of the things and they're not going to be there and I just I want to talk about a sponsor that has an amazing product. They probably should be in Quartzsite. The guy I'm connected to is going to be in Tampa just in and around. So Tampa RV show is pretty much the same timeframe. Tampa RV show is the 15th to the 19th. I will be in Tampa all week. That's why I won't be in Quartzsite and a lot of the tips we're given also applies to the Tampa RV show. They have seminars, do some planning, a lot of stuff, vendors, hundreds and hundreds of vendors, and you want to be kind of prepared, have an idea of what you want to see, who you want to talk to.

Speaker 1:

Airskirts is an amazing product. It is a hassle-free RV, inflatable skirting and it goes around the perimeter of the RV and it prevents the warm air from escaping from under the RV. It protects your pipes so you don't get the freezing. You don't get your pipes freezing. Nobody wants that. It saves on heating costs and it uses a heavy-duty, military-grade PVC-coated hand vest. These things, they look like big gray torpedoes and they inflate really easily. There's a pump that inflates them and that same pump deflates them. They fold up nice and compact and they fit nicely in an RV.

Speaker 1:

I have worked with this company for several years and just love their product and they're giving my listeners. $200 off, $200. Yeah, janelle, making faces, faces. Yes, you just go to airskirtscom and use rvpod rvpod for two hundred dollars off if you're not sure about something. If you have questions, call them. If you're going to be in tampa, I could introduce you to jordan, who is just amazing and could show you the product and, you know, really explain what you may need and how well this may or may not work for you. So that's one of the products that I really love and believe in. Especially, a lot of people are spending time in the cold weather.

Speaker 2:

I'm excited you brought that up your sponsor, the airskirtscom, because next year I've always wanted to camp in Colorado and go skiing but it's just cold and I don't know. With my RV and I've been looking at airskirts and I'm not kidding. I have been looking at airskirts and I've seen those gray ones. I don't remember the name of who it was, but I will definitely reach out to Jordan and find out about this so I can go skiing. I will definitely reach out to Jordan and find out about this so I can go skiing. I just thought how fun to sit in Colorado for a month, you know, for the price of what a hotel would cost for, you know, a few days.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely. And again, I've seen the product, I've seen how it works and it's great. So, yes, I will put Jordan's information and air skirts in the show notes for people. Great opportunity for people going winter camping and I'm sure Wynn will have a group that does this together right.

Speaker 1:

I hope All right, let's get that planned. Maybe I'll join you. Colorado is one of those places I've wanted to go. Now, for me, I will be sitting in a lodge somewhere in front of a fireplace with hot cocoa or cappuccino, skiing. Not for me, but you know. Again, to each his own, sure, sure, let's talk about more tips that we have to cover here. What is another big tip you would suggest for people navigating Quartzsite specifically?

Speaker 2:

So you're talking about in the big tent or the show? Anything Give us what we need to know.

Speaker 2:

Let's start with Quartzsite itself. You mentioned earlier that it's a small town, a couple you know grocery stores, and that literally is right. There are two grocery stores. There are two dollar stores dollar general, dollar something, a hardware store and a liquor store. So my suggestion is come with lots of groceries, lots of stuff to drink, like you said, your milk for your cappuccino. Your gluten-free vegan, you're gonna be hard pressed. There is stuff. Your gluten-free vegan, you're going to be hard pressed. There is stuff, but it's very, very you know they're small. Plus, when you go in the grocery store they are packed to the hilt. So don't you know, try not to do that.

Speaker 2:

One thing that it's great. Another great thing about Quartzsite is a lot of the gas stations. There's only a few, but they're very big rig friendly. For somebody like me who drives a 36-foot RV with a car, I appreciate that and I recognize that. So that's a good thing. And Arizona gas is cheaper than California, so it's not cheap gas, but the price is okay gas. So another thing too to point out to people to be ready for is the cell service in Quartz. Site is pretty thin. Now I have starlink so I'm okay, but, uh, I can make phone calls when I'm around my rv, but it's there's a lot of people using, you know, uncle frank's one tower. They got there in courtside. So I usually, before I had starlink, which is to be my first year to have it I downloaded movies and had them ready because you, it's, it's just, it's not impossible, but just no, going in, it's not going to be like you're used to that's good information.

Speaker 1:

I remember that now that you said that, um, and to me and it, you know me it was a good time to disconnect. I don't think I watched movies. I, you know we were doing video content at that time. I don't think, you know we were trying to do video or upload video. For sure that is not the time and place you could create content but you're not putting it out, and so it was really a great time to disconnect. We were from from the morning breakfast with the people that we were around, we went on, you know, we took like rides.

Speaker 1:

somebody had a Jeep and we went on a, you know, out in the Jeep four wheeling yeah, he called it something else, but yeah, that's what I called four wheeling and just exploring. And, you know, had lunch on our own dinner. Everybody came together. At night there was somebody came by with a guitar. People were singing, playing the guitar. It was just a again community. It is so about community. But if you want to pick up and go back to your RV, totally fine too. Let's talk a little bit about pets and kids, is it? You know? Let's start with pets. Obviously, it's pet friendly. You could have pets in the campground areas and the camping areas. What about? So? Is there any restrictions that you know of pet wise? Is there anything people should be aware of?

Speaker 2:

I don't have a pet but my group has tons of pets and of course the leash laws and pick up after your pet and all that. But I will tell you there's thousands of dogs and so I've seen some of the dogs are like real skittish and nervous because they're not used to being around 40 other dogs. I mean that's everybody's got a dog now and you know the ground is cold, but they're still animals scorpions, snakes and, like I said, the ground is cold. So I don't know, unless they just like really come up on something. But they're. You know you're out in the wild there.

Speaker 2:

One of the great things about Quartzsite also I keep saying that because Quartzsite's great, forget the show for a second it's just a great little town to go to. But one great thing about it is walking the dog or just going on a little hike going. You know, back to your previous conversation you can just walk for miles and miles and miles just out in the desert. Just keep walking that way and you can always turn around and see where you came from. So cause I get lost easily. So I appreciate that.

Speaker 1:

That was a big thing. Let's talk about that for a minute, because what people need to understand and you could go on and watch videos and stuff like that If it's desert there's not like road, a lot of road markers. We had come in looking for the area where our friends were. They actually had to drive out, find us to bring us in. You've got to be very aware of signage, like we would look for the escapee sign because we knew we were just beyond them, because you could easily get lost. So that is big caution there for people.

Speaker 1:

Whether you, I'm great If I have to focus on navigating where I need to be, then I'm great at it. Somebody else is handling it. I could just be like, all right, I don't need to do that, but I, you know, really tried to figure out where did we come in? Because, again, there's not a lot of street signs. It's not like there's street signs. So that's a big, a great caution whether you take some pictures of where you're turning, make some notes. Absolutely they should have an app. In Disney World they have an app. So when you park your car, the app, you click on it and it'll tell you where your car is. That would be great.

Speaker 2:

Well, you know gps. Yeah, do do gps. I, I can give you our gps for where the winds are going to be for any solo travelers. That can be in the show notes if you want, and that way, because you're right, they're not going to find us. You go down, uh, the the two lane road and take a right, and we're down on a dirt road on the right. I mean, that's, that's literally the instructions. So you know, you know you live and die by GPS there in Quartzsite, for sure, right right.

Speaker 1:

So we'll put the, you'll send that to me and I'll put that in the show notes. People should definitely reach out to you. I also want on that. You know I've been to shows, I've been out, I've been at campgrounds where people have said, oh, I saw you and I didn't come up and say hi. I didn't want to bother you. I want to be very clear right now, and I know you and I feel the same way Come up and introduce yourself, say hi. Obviously, if we're outside our rig, don't knock on the rig door, but if we're outside, come say hi, come introduce yourself. You and I both love that.

Speaker 1:

Again, again, I will be in Tampa. I will be there the entire week. I'll be there from Monday to Sunday. I want to meet people. I want to meet people who are, you know, listening to the show, who you know see me out and about. So definitely do that. The, the um Tampa show.

Speaker 1:

Again, a lot of these same tips apply, and that is January 15th to 19th. I just want to say for anybody going to that show, the Tampa show, if you have an RV, I think you could still probably get space somewhere like a place to put your RV, but it is getting a little scarce. This episode is going out January 8th. You want to make sure, if you are planning on going, that you start looking, go into the groups. There's groups online because there are places that you can, I'm sure, find. I know Lazy Days just put something out for RVers. I don't know what the details are, but again, just to let people know, previous planning helps, but last minute it can still be done. Quartzite definitely, there's always space there. There's not a limit, so that's not a worry. But people who are going to Tampa want to think about that. So let's talk about kids. Is this a good place to bring kids? So let's talk about kids. Is this a good place to bring kids? Is there stuff for them to do? I know you don't have kids with you.

Speaker 2:

Well, no, I don't in my group. You know we're older adults and don't allow children, but we love adult children. But you know I'll say this I see them in the tent show, they're everywhere so and it's got kind of a fair type feel with the fair food and there's all kinds of stuff for kids to do there and eat and see. So I would think it's a very friendly family atmosphere.

Speaker 1:

That's what I would have said as well. I'm sure there'll be groups there.

Speaker 1:

I'm wondering if full-time families will be there for anybody who's new, who has kids, full-time families is a group. I can provide a discount if you want to be part of the group, but if they're there, I'm sure you could go up, introduce yourself, say hi. I know a lot of people with kids and this group is just incredible for people with kids of any age. So I would agree with you. I think Quartzsite would have enough for kids to do. I'm sure there's activities. I'm sure there are groups that will be there. Okay, other tips that you have on your list?

Speaker 2:

Yes. So now here's some tips for the show. Okay, we talked about going on a rainy, cold day. We talked about going on the last day, the 26th. Two more things that I do that I like is I make sure that I have a backpack. Not a huge backpack, but I make sure I have a backpack that I can wear on the front of me, because those big backpacks knock on over the vendor stuff and all. So I make sure I have a backpack, even if you're like, oh, I'm not going to get anything. Get a backpack, you're going to want it, you're going to need it.

Speaker 2:

My other thing is to bring small bills. You know, we've heard that before. But here's the thing Sometimes some of these vendors you go to, it takes a long time to check out because, like you're buying blinds, well, they want to know where you're at, what blinds you want, what are the measurements? Give me the GPS, what is your RV? So if you've got like a $6 item and can say, hey, you know the other person standing here, here's my $6, you know'll, you can get in and out. So always have a bunch of little bills. That's what I like.

Speaker 2:

Then the other one is to dress in layers. We've all heard that too. But what happens is it's warm outside the tent and then you get in the tent and for some reason to me it's colder. The wind whips through there and so it's cold. It's so. I always have a couple things that I can put on, take off off. My first year I went there I was freezing and had to leave because I just I'm like I'm miserable, I can't concentrate because I'm so cold here. So that's what you know, what I learned the hard way. And then I bring the going to your point earlier. When I have got some seminars, I always print out and bring the seminar list with me. In case that seminar I can't get in, I can go to another one that's being offered, because you'll you'll one seminars here and the other seminars on the other side of the building and you can't remember where at all. So bring the seminar list with you if you're going to go to it at all. So that's a couple of my oh and then my.

Speaker 2:

One last thing I wanted to say on my tips that I think this is the most important one is when you go to the Big Tent Show. They have plenty of parking, but here's a little secret parking. I hate to tell people, even frankly, because this is where I go. When you, it's exit I-10, it's exit 17. And I don't whichever way you're coming from. So if you go past or go before I-17, get off at that exit and come in the back of the tent.

Speaker 2:

So don't go where everybody else is because there's a bunch of little parking. I mean, there may be like seven parking places, but those move and change a lot faster. That's kind of by the Tyson Wells swap meet. That's there and there's lots of little parking places for some reason, and I always managed to get a spot back there and then you can just walk up the road a little bit and just go right into the tent show. So, although again they do have plenty of parking and but it's like oh, I don't remember how much it is, but you had to pay and I don't mind paying, but I'd much rather park closer and cheaper, if I can.

Speaker 1:

Right, absolutely Great suggestion Layer clothes I always do that and, of course, flat shoes, comfortable shoes, Don't mean to say that I don't think, but there it is.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, exactly.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so a lot of great tips. We've talked about a lot of events I want to mention, so this is really the start of event season Again. We have Tampa it's actually called Florida RV Super Show and that is coming up next week. The Quartzite Show, which is the other big show for people planning further out, hershey RV show, which is in and that's called America's largest RV show in Hershey, pennsylvania. That's in September, and there are various smaller RV shows. There are dealership shows, there's all kinds of shows throughout the country and this is the start of the season shows throughout the country and this is the start of the season.

Speaker 1:

I want to talk about a show that started last year that I went to. That was amazing. It's the ultimate VIP event for RV buyers. It's called Music City Motorhome Expo. It's from May 31st to June 4th and it is in Tennessee to June 4th and it is in Tennessee I'm trying to think it's in Lebanon, tennessee and you can be the first to see the 2026 model year coaches from all the major manufacturers With limited attendance.

Speaker 1:

They absolutely limit the number of people that could come so that you are able to test drive all that you want, any vehicle that you want to test drive. You could test drive, you could chat with the manufacturers, the product developers, the engineers. They have seminars throughout the entire time, three meals a day and entertainment. Last year was, like I said, the first year and it was amazing, and I know they're looking to do even better this year. So if you are looking for a 2026 model year coach, this is the event I'll put it in the show notes called Music City Motorhome Expo, and I will be there. All right, that's a lot of great information. Can you tell people how to reach out to you if they have questions about Wynn? You know questions for you. Let's, let's, and I again I'll put it in the show notes, but how can people reach you?

Speaker 2:

winsrvclubcom, and that's my email address too winsrvclub at gmail, so you can always do that. So, and I'll give that to you, the show notes, I'll give you the gps link and also, patty, while I've got you, if anybody wants to join the the wins rv club, I'll give them ten dollars off. It's only 125 a year, but I'll give them ten dollars off if they use your website. We'll come up with a name, we'll put it in the show note, but we'll do the RV Life podcast and that can be their code and they'll get $10 off.

Speaker 1:

That's awesome. Thank you so much. I did not expect that. That's great. Yeah, absolutely yeah. It is now time for the question of the week. I'm going to ask you this question what is on your bucket list, so something that is a place you would highly recommend people go to other than Quartzsite, or so, whether you've been there before or you're thinking about going Someplace you would highly recommend my listeners go? While you're thinking about that, I'm going to talk about OpenRoads, innovative Toll Solutions. I've learned by doing the podcast that when I ask my guests that question, they need a little bit of time, so I'm giving them time by talking about Innovative Toll Solutions.

Speaker 1:

The link is in the show notes. This is a toll pass that covers all 48 states. One toll pass, $24 for the year, and it covers all 48 states. If you should have some kind of problem, you go through. It doesn't register. Innovative Toll Solutions has concierge service that you can reach out to by the app, by email or calling, and they will take care of it for you. I am so excited about the open roads innovative toll solutions. It has been a money saver. It's just so much easier. One toll pass for both vehicles. It's one for both. I know you show a car. It's been great, so it looks like you haven't heard of them yet. No.

Speaker 2:

Do you just pay the $24 and then also pay the tolls?

Speaker 1:

You pay the $24 and then you have that's a great question you pay the, just like an E-ZPass or other passes. You pay the $24 and then you have money that's in your account. So I put $50 in the account and then it'll deduct the tolls from that.

Speaker 2:

You still I'm buying that today. Great, because you know how many toll passes I have in my car. That's ridiculous and I don't have money in one. I had a four dollar toll that I had to pay $80 on because I never got that. So I don't why the government doesn't do this.

Speaker 1:

I don't know, but I don't know either, and I will tell you so use the link in the show notes. I mean, I have E-ZPass and I have one in the RV and one in the car. One doesn't work, something happens, I'm double charged. I've paid money in fines as well, and if that should happen with the innovative toll solutions so open roads, innovative toll solutions you call concierge service, they'll handle it for you, They'll take care of it. I love it. I'm literally buying this today. Well, great, that's awesome. I'm so happy to be able to provide, you know, information for people that helps us RV easier.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, okay.

Speaker 1:

So the answer to the question.

Speaker 2:

Well, I have 50 places, but number one that came to top of my head is Canadian Maritimes. That's the greatest beautiful, clean, perfect weather, nice people, it just I love Canadian Maritimes. My second is Michigan, my third is Hooper, Colorado. My fourth is Mexico. I can keep going. Well, you can keep going.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so awesome, so a lot of things for people to add to their bucket list. I love creating a bucket list of places, so I always get something out of you know what, what is suggested by my guests. So thank you for those. Okay, so, while people are in Arizona, today I'm going to talk about the feature campground and it's brought to you by RV Life Pro. And this week's feature campground is Encore Mesa Spirit and it's in Mesa, arizona. So it's between Quartzsite if you're going from Quartzsite, say, to Florida, it is right along that same. I think it's I-10. Great, convenient location. It is an Encore campground. You do not need to be a member. It has 1,667 sites, tons of sites. It is a 55 plus campground.

Speaker 1:

So for you and I I'm admitting for you and I this campground, for us, the campground offers more clubs and activities than I have literally ever seen in a campground. They have a woodworking shop, they have dance classes, classes, choir and concerts. That is just to name a few of the things that this campground offers. They do offer full hookups, they have a pool and my favorite is a hot tub and a spa. So they have a hot tub there, one of my favorite things next to my cappuccino. They do have a dog park there and they have cabin and cottage rentals. So if you don't have that RV yet, you could still go visit. They have a 7.5 rating on the RV Life campgrounds with 152 reviews, and it's so easy to book. So if you want to check out Encore Mesa Spirit, you just go to campgroundsrvlifecom and you type in Encore Mesa Spirit and when it comes up it'll give you all the information. If you're ready to book, there's a book now button right there and you could also see additional photos, the tips, the whole list of amenities that this campground has.

Speaker 1:

Rv Life Campgrounds is part of the RV Life suite of products and it is the most comprehensive source of RV parks, campgrounds, resorts, city, state, national parks They've got it all on RV. On campgroundsrvlifecom, if you're not a member, there is a 25% discount, takes it to less than $50 a year and again, it is your trip planning RV, safe, gps, campground reviews, as well as other resources, courses. They have a whole suite of products that link will be in the show notes as well for 25% off. Wow, Janelle, I want to thank you so much for being on the show. People could go to you on social media at what's your social media?

Speaker 2:

Wynn's RV Club and that's my Instagram Facebook email. That's everything WINS with an S WINS RV Clubcom at Gmail Instagram. It's everything you have made it so easy.

Speaker 1:

So anybody they want to reach out on social media email website. That is great. Thank you so much for great information. I hope this really helped people and for my listeners. Reach out to us. You know there's a review section in any podcast platform you're listening on. Tell us what you think, tell us if you have questions. You know, reach out. We want to hear from you. Reach out to you know Janelle or I on social media. I am at RV Life Podcast on Instagram and Facebook. We really want to hear from people. Come up, say hi to us if you see us at a show. And again, I want to thank my listeners for being here, for listening and I want you to remember life's a journey. Leave each day to the fullest without regrets. I'm Patti Hunt and you have been listening to the RV Life Podcast.